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Car Accident Baltimore

Do I Need A Baltimore Car Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you might be wondering “do I need a Baltimore personal injury attorney to help me.”  Personal injury lawyers are there to protect accident victims who have been hurt due to someone else’s negligence. They can help you get compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. In this blog post, we will go over 4 important signs when it is a good idea to contact an attorney.

1 – When you have more than a minor injury

If you were injured in a car accident and your injuries are more than minor, you should speak with an attorney. Examples of serious injuries are fractures, traumatic brain injury, and back and neck injuries. The more serious your injury is, the more you should consider hiring a lawyer.

Even if you have soft tissue injuries like whiplash or muscle strains, you still may want to talk to an attorney about how these types of injuries can affect your future. 

Treatment and expenses for injuries can last a lot longer than expected.  After a car accident, you will likely go to the hospital and need ongoing treatments. You may also have continuing medical expenses due to your injury that are not covered by insurance.

2 – When the medical bills aren’t feasible for you financially

After you have been injured in Baltimore, your medical bills will begin to add up quickly. You may need surgery, physical therapy, prescriptions for pain medication, co-pays at the doctor’s office. If you are unable to work due to your injuries it can be even more difficult to pay for these expenses. If this is the case, you might need a personal injury lawyer on your side.

If you cannot afford to pay for your doctors’ appointments or medication upfront then an attorney can help with that as well. 

Personal injury lawyers work on contingency

Attorneys usually accept cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that if you do not win the case, your attorney will receive no payment. If you win the case, your lawyer will be paid a percentage of the settlement or trial judgement award. He will also get reimbursed for any out-of-pocket expenses paid on your behalf to help with your claim.

Examples of out-of-pocket expenses are filing fees, court costs, depositions, expert witness fees, service of process, certified mailings, etc. Your attorney will cover all case-related expenses needed during the course of the litigation process. You will not be responsible for paying back these expenses unless your case is won by settlement or trial judgment.

3 – When liability is questionable

If the other party is not accepting responsibility for your injuries after an auto accident it is important to hire an attorney right away. The police report may not show all of the details of what occurred. Your lawyer will be able to help figure out what happened during the crash, who was at fault, and file any necessary paperwork on time so that you can get the compensation you deserve.

If the at-fault driver denies liability, the case may need to be decided in court. A lawyer is needed to file a lawsuit, gather evidence, and defend your personal injury claim in court. If your case does need to go to trial, it is important that your lawyer has extensive trial experience and is comfortable fighting for you in front of a judge or jury.

When you need a lawyer in your corner during the Maryland car accident claims process, it’s time to reach out for legal representation.  An experienced personal injury lawyer will provide a winning strategy for dealing with the insurance company.   

4 – When getting a fair settlement offer seems unlikely

When an insurance company low-balls you with a settlement offer, it may be time to hire an attorney.  The insurance adjuster is trained to send unreasonably low settlement offers because they know many people will accept them due to lack of knowledge or just being too busy with work and family obligations.

You may be involved in one of these insurance company scenarios:

  • the insurance company denies your insurance claim
  • the insurance company delays responding to your personal injury claim 
  • the insurance company offers a low-ball settlement
  • the insurance company will not negotiate
  • the insurance company pressures you into signing something without allowing you to seek an outside opinion

In each scenario above, hiring a personal injury lawyer could make a difference in receiving a better settlement amount from the insurance company. It also helps protect you against false statements made by the insurance company.

Inforgraphic 5 Clues that you should contact a car accident lawyer

Inforgraphic – Insurance Company Tactics

Contact a Baltimore Personal Injury Attorney Today

When the insurance company seems determined to deny responsibility or offers an unfair settlement, it is time to contact a personal injury attorney who will fight on your behalf. An experienced attorney can file a lawsuit if it’s in your best interest to do so. This is when you will need a Baltimore personal injury attorney with experience and knowledge of the law on your side during this difficult time.

Call the Law Office of John J. Leppler at (443) 955-1989 for a FREE consultation to discuss your situation.  If you choose to work with John, he will fight the insurance company hard and refuse to accept a low-ball settlement. His commitment is to help you get the compensation you deserve! Contact our law firm today so we can get started helping you!